10 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

Some of you have known me since I was little and others may have only met me in the past five or so years. There are lots of little things about me that I don't talk about much. So let's make a game out of this! I have ten facts about me that not a lot of people know. For every thing you already knew, you get a point!

1. I Have Been to Mexico.
In 2012, my family and I went on a mission trip. We were going to be building a house in the colonia of Reynosa. We stayed in Texas every night and crossed over the border in the morning. I am so thankful to have been given that opportunity. The organization that we did it with were so wonderful! Check out their blog when you get a chance!  Mexico Missions with Bruce and Paula

2. It Has Been 13 Years Since I Started Playing Violin
I started learning how to play violin right before my sixth birthday. It was a present from my parents that year. I look back at how bad I was back then and thank God that I didn't quit. Now, I play in an orchestra with some of my friends! I still remember being confused in my first rehearsal. I had been 2nd Violin, 6th Chair. I even remember what I was TRYING to play. It was a piece called Beach Spring. After a lot of practice and actually being able to play all the pieces that semester and my first concert under my belt, I made myself a promise. I would play Beach Spring again as a first violin. Years later, I did. A couple years ago, I sat in my concert attire (a couple of my friends call it orchestra goth) playing as the Concert Mistress. First Violin, First Chair. Now I play for three levels in the fine arts program I attend. If you are homeschooled and are interested in joining an orchestra, I recommend the Midwest Homeschool Fine Arts Program. They have so much more than just orchestras though! Check it out! Midwest Homeschool Fine Arts

3. I am an Usborne Books & More Consultant!
A few months ago I signed on with Usborne Books & More as a consultant! So I sell books. I have to be honest, the only reason I did this, was to get more books. If you ever want to host an online party and get some rewards, let me know! Usborne has an amazing selection for all ages and interests. Even I (a nearly eighteen year old) love all the colorful kids books!

4. People Think I'm Shy
When I joined a volunteer program, some of the supervisors thought I was "shy and quiet". If you know me pretty well, you know that isn't the case. When I am on duty and in uniform, I am very professional and go into what I call "my customer service mode." After getting to know me however, lots of my fellow volunteers have learned that I can be crazy in the best way! I laugh out loud and be very silly. I have called this phenomenon being a Reserved Extrovert.

5. I am NOT a Morning Person
I am actually an insomniac. That means I don't sleep. So why on earth would I be a morning person?! I just put on a smile and be a bushy tailed human on the outside, when on the inside I'm a grumpy vampire just trying to wake up. Coffee is needed some days more than others. When I'm not around people is another story. I have been described by my brothers as an angry owl. You know the phrase "Good morning Sunshine! The earth says hello!"? One of my brothers have made a customized version just for me. "Good morning, Eclipse! The Incans are screaming!" What else can I say?

6. I Have a Minor Fear of Cake Icing
I was around twelve years old. I was at a baby shower being held in a restaurant. It was time for cake! It was then I found out that lots Filipinos can't eat anything too sweet. The icing was too sweet for me.  It triggered a gag reflex. Let's just say I avoid anything sweeter than a skittle now.

7. I was Branded by My Brother (Accidentally)
It was Easter at my aunt and uncle's house. My uncle always started a fire in the backyard firepit. One year my brother was whirling a fiery stick through the air. I told him it was a bad idea (as a sister would) and he ignored me and said it would be fine (as a brother would). A few minutes later he accidentally poked it into my arm. A grabbed the stick from his hand and through it into the fire.  I went inside holding my arm for my mom and aunties to see. I was definitely the most calm in the room. With aloe on the burn, and a popsicle in hand, I went back outside to watch the fire (keeping my distance from my brother).

8. If I'm Near Water, I'm Probably Wearing a Swimsuit Underneath My Clothes
I really enjoy swimming. Whenever I'm camping, I am always in the water. When I'm eating, it's only for a bit. Get out of the water, get food, digest, and get back in the water.

9. I Fed a Rhino
While on a trip to Sarasota FL, my peers and I stopped at Zoo Tampa. Since Brookfield Zoo has connections with Zoo Tampa, the group was given the opportunity to feed a rhino named Jamie. All I can say is that rhinos are so much bigger up close.

10. I am (Apparently) Ethnically Ambiguous
On multiple occasions, I have been asked what my ethnicity is. "You're Korean Right?" Or any other Asian ethnicity. I have even been asked if I was Native American. One of my favorite incidents happened on the bus. The girl sitting next to me leaned in close. "Are you Indian?" I put my hand to my heart and gasped. "Excuse me?! I am Irish!" cried this half Filipino. Which is true. But I'm barely Irish.

And that's it! How many did you already know? Comment below and tell me!
