My Recent Impulse Buys


    If you have been following along with my life on Instagram, you'll remember that I started a kind of series on my stories. "Impulse Buys With She Be Fierce." Really, it's all about me walking into a store to buy a specific item and walking out with more than I originally needed or wanted. It doesn't happen super often, but when it does, it is always an item that excites me enough to do the impulse buy part. 


    I absolutely love the game Sequence. So picture me walking through CVS trying to find a small kiddie pool just trying to keep cool over a hot and humid weekend. I happened to find myself walking through the game aisle and ended up looking around a little bit. Decks of playing cards, Exploding Kittens, and other novelty games lined the shelves but only one caught my eye. A mini travel version of Sequence. It was immediately thrown into the cart. 


    I had been planning to buy some new studs for a while, but never got around to actually going shopping for them. So while I was going in the store for a single pack of gum, a jewelry display caught me eye. I had been eyeing a pair of earrings online for a while and there was a pair that was super similar in this set. plus there were some other cute ones I liked, so into my basket it went. 

  -Dry Erase Markers

    You know those wheel barrows of product that Five Below puts kinda in your way in hopes that you'll stop and look? Well, it happened to work this time. I was keeping my eye out for some more colorful markers for my schedule board, so this was actually a helpful impulse buy. 

  -Floor Rug

    I'm not really too into interior design (well, that's what I tell myself anyway 😂), but my room is still not very decorated. I'm not doing the whole, "get all the decorations for a home makeover: and instead getting pieces that I like as I stumble across them. Pretty much just building off things slowly to transform the room as I go. I have been wanting some kind of rug for my room and just bought one to be a sort of placeholder for one I really want later. I want a fuzzy sort of gray one, but until I can get one, this blue one works perfectly!

 -Snapback Hat

    I feel like I really don't need to explain this one an awful lot. I was at JAF and they were selling hats. I liked the hat. I had my wallet. I paid for the hat. I have a sick new hat now. A JAF hat. 


    If you want to keep an eye on my impulse buys, go and follow me on IG! There's also going to be a Impulse Buys highlight on my profile. I promise I don't impulse buy a lot (mostly because I just avoid stores 😂), this is really an abnormality for me. Knowing me though, there won't not be any more impulse buying. 

    Thank you SO much for reading. It means so much to me that you do! Keep an eye out for a post on this site eight days from now (a super easy way to be notified is to follow or subscribe 😉), or for a post four days from now on She Be Fierce 2! If you want to see what I'm up to, you can follow me on  Instagram. I am trying to post more consistently on my Instagram, and am actually ok with posting to my stories. So go check it out!

Until Next Time,

- are you an impulse buyer?
- what was the most random thing you have ever impulse bought?
