Dreams for 2022


   There are always goals and dreams that I have floating in my mind. Things I want to do and achieve in coming weeks, months, years, and even decades. Some are more achievable goals and others are rather lofty dreams that I may never achieve in my lifetime.  Back in May of 2021, I wrote a post called Things I Want To Do Before I Die. In it, I said something that has been stuck in my mind for a bit lately.

    "I want to do do as much as I can, as well as I can, as long as I can."

     In that post, I talk about some of the things on my bucket list. This post is kind of an adaptation of that. Just slightly less "lofty" I guess. A list of things I hope to achieve/reach in 2022. A list of my goals and dreams for this year. The goals are things I am prioritizing to get done this year and the dreams are things I hope to do this year (and am fine if I don't get to).

My Goals

Get My Driver's License
I started doing online Driver's Ed last summer and then started the in person stuff in the fall. I am currently working on getting my required hours and gaining experience behind the wheel. So far, I have only been freaked out by a deer, one crazy driver, and a homeless man who came out of nowhere (no, I did not hit him). The plan is to try and take the test in the early months of this year.

Read The Books In My Room
The books in my room have been waiting for me to pick them up for months... Ok, more like a year. I recently posted Books on My Shelf That I Hope To Read This Year. I plan to read all of the books listed there and if I get them all done, I'll add more. When it comes to my insane schedule, who knows? 

Upload to 1SE Every Single Day
There are often moments where I wish I had taken just one picture at an event or activity. Last year, I downloaded the app "1 Second Everyday." I love it so much. Every day, I am prompted to either take a one second video or a picture to the app. At the end of 2022, I hope to have a fun little video to help me look back on the year. 

Sell a Few Art Pieces
Most of the things that pop into my head are ideas on the creative side. I am currently working toward getting a new art piece started and I am so close to being able to do it. Whether I only sell some to fund part of my way to camp or I end up being able to sell more than I think I will (and blow every expectation out of the water), I will be so glad. 

Dance A Little Every Day
Over the past few months, I have found myself openly dancing random little dances in front of other people. That is something I never used to do. So I want to continue to dance just a little each day. There are also benefits to dancing every day. It can reduce stress and anxiety as well as boost your mood and help memory. 

My Dreams

Visit One National Park
One of my big life goals is to visit as many National Parks as I possibly can. This year, I want to visit at least one. Whether it's one I've already been to or one I have been dreaming of seeing for years, I just hope to visit one.

Have a Weekend With My Best Friend in Brown County
My best friend and I have been wanting to travel together for a long time now. We still aren't sure when we will be able to do anything big, but we have our "test trip's" destination picked out. Not too awfully far from home but far enough to feel like a getaway. 

Go To An Amusement Park
It has been years since I have been to an amusement park. The last time I went, there was lots of laughter and screaming. Really hoping to do this one again in 2022.

Start My Flower Garden
I was able to figure out the vegetable garden for the most part and now I am really hoping to start a flower garden next. I want to be able to cut flowers to put in a vase pretty much whenever I want. It would be pretty amazing to be able to start one in the spring. The seed catalogs have been coming in the mail and I am absolutely in LOVE with some of the seeds I have seen. At the very least, I would love to be able to get some sunflowers in. 


    It is still crazy to me that it is 2022. The last year was such a whirlwind that at times it felt as though time were gone in the blink of an eye. But let's not dwell on the past and look to the future instead! To the goals we want to achieve and the dreams that we hope become reality. Hope you keep smashing your goals and get to achieve what you set out to do!    

    Thank you SO much for reading. It means so much to me that you do! Keep an eye out for a post on this site eight days from now (a super easy way to be notified is to follow or subscribe 😉), or for a post four days from now on She Be Fierce 2! You can also follow SBF on Pinterest for some inspo, see what I'm interested in, and repin blog posts! If you want to see what I'm up to, you can follow me on  Instagram. I am trying to post more consistently on my Instagram, and am actually ok with posting to my stories. So go check it out!

Until Next Time,

-what is a goal you have for this year?
-what is a dream you hold for 2022?
