Award Nomination

I was nominated for the Awesome Blogger Award! Thank you, DW @ Youya Girl, for nominating me! I will answer the questions to the best of my ability. I really love the questions she has asked me! I hope you will find my answers interesting.

+ Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2.  Tag the post with #awesomebloggeraward.
  3. Answer the questions you were asked.
  4. Nominate at least five bloggers and inform them of their nomination.
  5. Give them ten new questions to answer
Lets get into DW's questions!

What is your earliest memory?
My earliest memory is a pretty terrifying one. It sparked my childhood fear of clowns. My parents told me I was only a few months old when it happened. We had gone to a birthday party for one of my dad's friend's kids at a buffet place. There was a clown and he got in my face. He popped a balloon and a rabbit came out of it. I was purely terrified. Before you ask, no, I am not afraid of clowns anymore.
What is your favorite type of blog posts?
My favorite kind of posts to write are the ones I call "Words of Truth." I have two more in progress right now. They usually stem from things I feel I am being told by God to share with my readers or things I hear and I find deeply encouraging to my spirit.
What is a book/movie have you read/seen recently that you would recommend?
I am currently reading Finding God's Life for My Will by Mike Donehey. I am constantly finding myself reaching for my pencil and page flags. There are a ton of encouraging things in the book and wonderful lessons to apply to your life. I highly recommend it!
Do you prefer rainy or snowy days?
I absolutely adore rainy days. If you have never run around and danced in the
 rain, you really need to. Of course, you should definitely be safe when doing so. There is NOTHING like feeling the rain on your skin, your hair stringy and wet, and smelling the wet earth. Sure I love snow, but I love warm weather even more. 
What is a song that makes you nostalgic?
Unbelievable by Owl City. I was born during that weird 90s transition so I actually relate quite a bit to the lyrics. 
What is one song you currently have on repeat?
That one is easy. The one I've had on repeat is Dust by Oh Wonder. 
What is the coolest place you have ever been?
I can say without hesitating, Joni and Friends Family Retreat. I have maybe eight posts about it, so I think that's pretty obvious. If you haven't already, go check 'em out!
What is your favorite season?
Summer. Yes, I'm the busiest during the summer but it's always a good busy. Nearly all of my favorite trips and events happen in the summer. I see and meet the most people during that season. 
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Invincibility. NOT immortality. If you know the story of the Tucks, you know how terrible immortality is. Some might answer flight, but not me. All it takes is one drunk flight or a tranquilizer dart, and SPLAT. With invincibility I can mess with people.
What is your favorite genre of music?
Well, I don't have a favorite genre of music. I listen to a bunch of different kinds. Right now though, it has been indie on repeat. 

My Nominees

Jenna from Charming Undomiel
And since most of my blogger friends have already posted, if you have a blog, YOU are nominated! Even if you don't have a blog just comment your answers! I would LOVE to see your answers. Let me know if you answer my questions! I would love to check out your blog!

 My Questions

✧ Why did you start blogging?
✧ What would you say your current aesthetic is?
✧ What is your favorite kind of flower?
✧ Do you have a favorite ministry organization?
✧ What one thing would you do if it were impossible to fail?
✧ What makes you feel most alive?
✧ What's the most impactful 'no' you've said recently?
✧ What is your favorite scent?
✧ How do you like your coffee?
✧ What do you regret not doing?

Those are my answers and those are my questions! Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it! Comment and tell me if you think any of my answers are weird or find any of my questions weirder!
