Super Easy Christmas Decoration - Wrapping Paper

So, Christmas is coming and decorations are going up. Want to put up more decorations that don't take up so much space? Well, that was my exact thought a few years ago. I live in a small apartment with five other people, so I don't have a lot of space to begin with. 

These paintings were here when we moved in. They don't look, in the least bit, festive. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and fix a couple things. These don't compliment our tree, and I want to have more decorations. What is associated with Christmas... gifts and wrapping paper! I decided then and there, that I was going to wrap the paintings. This is how I do that!

First things first, if you are using wrapping paper with words on it, MAKE SURE ITS NOT UPSIDEDOWN. I made that mistake once, and had to start all over again. I like to use 3 different designs of paper. If you do, make sure they complement each other.

Spread out your paper on a table, and make sure you have enough to wrap the edges of your frame.

The next few photos are just a step by step folding how-to

And it's done! Hang it back on the wall, and you've got some cute, new decorations. It takes up no shelf, table or floor space, so it's great if you live in a small place like I do! 

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading, and please consider following and/or subscribing to my blog! Maybe even consider sharing this post! 


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