Registration For TWO Family Retreats Are Open!
I know, I know, ANOTHER Joni and Friends post?! I just wanted to let all of you know that registration for JAF's two Family Retreats in Michigan are open!
This is the perfect time to register so you can have enough time to raise funds for the trip! If you have any questions at all about what happens at retreat, drop them in the comments! If you want to read a bit about the experiences there, just go to the menu and click on the label "Family Retreat." There are a bunch of posts that can give you some insight on what I normally do there. Reading those posts are actually what convinced my brother to try and go to the Urban Family Retreat in August (Registration opens for that on February 18th btw...).
This will be my third year serving at Family Retreats. It has changed my life for the BEST. I have to be honest, I was pretty scared about going to my first one. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to go but didn't think it was my thing. As you can see now, I love going and am so thankful I said yes. I would never have met any of the people there! JAF is pretty much another family for me.
If there is a SHRED of interest in going, please let me know. I think everyone can gain a new perspective and gain so much more just by going to at least one. If you know me personally just say, "Hey, can you tell me a bit more about that Joni and Friends thing you do?" and I'll gladly tell you all about it. I've even spent more than an hour on the phone to talk about it. Two of those individuals want to join me for Urban! If I'm being honest, I'll probably tell you all about it if you bring it up or not. 😂
If you want more info on any of the Retreats around the WORLD, you can find it at Joni and Friend's Retreats & Getaways page!
Thanks so much for reading!
- Are you interested at all in going (whether in 2020 or in future years)?
- What is the BIGGEST question you have about these camps?
- What keeps you from going?
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